
As I travel through life, the universe, and everything my interests change. Hobbies come and go leaving a trail of old web pages and boxes in the garage.

  • amateur radio

  • slide rule collecting

  • model railroading – n gauge

  • volkswagen restoration

  • genealogy

  • boy scouts

  • astronomy

  • woodworking

Hmmm, seems like a theme here. actually, many of these things are intertwined.

I did a lot of research into my family tree. Click here to see the results

Slide rule collecting was based in an interest in math and science, and astronomy is the oldest of the pure sciences.

I was given a Criterion RV6 by a Boy Scout troop that I was active with for 15 years. I had used it a few times with the scouts, but when I ‘retired’ from scouting, I kept the scope (with their permission) and got the astronomy bug pretty heavy again.

I‘m not sure how Volkswagen restoration fits in, but it was fun for awhile.

So anyway, I joined three astronomy clubs, St. Petersburg Astronomy Club and Museum Astronomical Resource Society (M.A.R.S.) at MOSI in Tampa. I went to star parties at Chiefland, and Alafia River State Park with the St. Petersburg group but eventually decided to focus on the M.A.R.S. group.